There was an article in the Brandon Sun today about our volleyball team and the influence they are having in the community. In the article Chris Jaster mentions that we have 9 different athletes coaching in our community. Not a bad feat considering we have 14 players. Chris talked to the different coaches and the main theme was explained perfectly by Chloe Reimer. "I know my coaches at this level were so great for committing all their time and volunteering. I know how much of an impact they made in my life. Hopefully I can do the same for them"
One of the player's Chris interviewed was quoted as "We're getting coached straight by the pros. I have learned a lot this year and I think everyone has too. I think it is really awesome (to get close to the Bobcats). I didn't ever think I would be able to, but now I can and they're coaching me and it is going just great." WE don't realize how much the athletes are looked up to. They are role models for these young ladies.
Another athlete I overheard Chris interviewing said."I never thought I could play university but now I think why not Chloe told me I can." All of a sudden these young players have a bit more confidence and expectation. I know from my experience a little thing you say can go along ways. I sometimes have athletes come back and tell me something I said that has helped them along the way and often I don't remember saying it. (Probably more an age thing now...)
I know these athletes coaches are young and inexperienced from a coaching point of view, but to the young girls they are coaching they are heroes. If you ask the coaches they wouldn't know it, they are coaching for some fun and to help out. The part that makes me the most proud of these athlete coaches are they could have chosen not to coach, but when asked they jumped too it. In many small ways they are helping continue and build the program without even noticing it. Bobcats are making a difference.