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Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Mighty Peace

Mighty Peace.

Tomorrow is an exciting day for me. I have been asked to come back to Grande Prairie to present at the Might Peace Teachers Conference. When I taught here in Grande Prairie I attended these conferences. I am actually pretty nervous to be back presenting in front of friends and colleagues.
When I was invited they asked me to do an all day session.  I want you to know I can talk about volleyball all the time. The organizers asked me to do sessions that would appeal to all groups. They said explain what you think coaches need to hear.  This was a big challenge. How can we make this useful for everyone? 

I know from my experience at the convention I loved when I could walk away from a session with one or two new things to try. With that in mind I have uploaded all the drills here
At least this will be a beginning point.

I feel the session will be generated by how the group asks questions.  I have a basic plan in place and can work through it, but really hope the coaches will ask questions.  I am going to use twitter as an avenue to ask questions also for the shy teacher or inexperienced coach.
When I was beginning to plan for this I thought what makes a successful program.  I contacted a variety of coaches and we came to conclusion it was planning.  The more a person is planned the better off they will be.

Coaches who turn a program around usually do it through structure. Planning for high school team and club team will be different for each setting.  A team needs to take into account of where they need to be successful.  Do they need to win the league to make provincial? Is there a Zone Tournament that decides? These will affect their planning.
When I was teaching and coaching in high school we had a zone tournament that the team needed to win in order to get to Provincials. We really only needed to win that one tournament to get to the provincial championship.  Of course we tried to win each one but we ear marked each tournament for different things.
At the beginning of the season we would plan for the entire year. The first tournament we usually focussed on our serve reception patterns and defensive relationships.  The second tournament was mostly block defense relationships.  The third tournament would be about offense.  We would schedule a tournament where the younger kids would play more than the veterans.  This allowed the vets to support and help the younger kids, plus it also allowed for comfort and confidence in the young athletes in case of injuries.

We want to think of things in terms of planning chunks.  We can review things we have covered but our main focus in the tournament was a very specific thing.  We would focus most of our time outs on that topic.  Discuss it in our post game meetings. When I was a young coach I wanted to fix everything right now, but we found that the athletes were getting overloaded with information.  One topic at a time usually worked the best for learning.
This structure helped guide the process.  Plan for success.

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